
Meadow Green Elementary PTA is a proud and active part of the Meadow Green family. We actively serve the students by raising funds for programs such as art, music, STEAM, iReady, Accelerated Reader, assemblies and field trips. We also coordinate school events such as the annual Ice Cream Social, Monster Mash, Family Fun Night, and the Carnival (just to name a few).

We strive to provide our students with a fun and safe environment so that they will not only learn, but love learning. The support of parents, teachers and the surrounding community is what enables every student at Meadow Green Elementary to have an enriched educational experience.


During the 2024-25 school year, our goal is to create a sense of community for our Meadow Green Scholars. Having a PTA member in each student's family would help accomplish our goal. Membership does not require meeting attendance, active participation, or volunteer work. It's just a way to show support to your child, allows you to vote on PTA matters, and provide funding for upcoming events. However, we do welcome volunteers for our events, activities, and fundraising. Taking the time to volunteer doesn't just help the PTA, it also teaches our students that education is important. 

PTA Executive Board

Alex Barrera, President

Michelle Blair, Executive Vice President

Melissa Pinto, Secretary

Bree Cannon, Financial Advisor

Angela Orebaugh, Treasurer

Norma Franco, Historian

Neely Wabaczynsky, Parliamentarian

Chairpersons of standing committees: 

Kim Guindazola, Membership

Amanda Tamburino, Ways and Means

Alex Barrera, Programs


Cynthia Rodriguez, Room Parent Liaison and Hospitality

PTA Meetings

All PTA meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 9:45am or 6:00pm, unless otherwise specified, at Meadow Green Elementary. Please visit the Calendar for more information.